Nvidia PHYSX ragdolls

Project Details

RAGDOLLS powered by physx Articulations

Characters falling to their death after a shockwave

Characters obliterated from an explosion

Above, you can see the PhysX Visual Debugger (PVD) in action, a networked tool developed by Nvidia to visualize its physics simulation. Simply setting up a connection during the foundation creation process for Nvidia will connect your simulation to the PVD as it is networked.

Very useful for debugging and the early stages of a PhysX setup to visualize.


Above you can see the links highlighted in yellow.

PhysX Joints

Articulations Links

Animating the characters skeleton from the simulation data

Updating the skeleton using the mapped links transforms

myPhysxLinkMap.myDeathPose->JointTransforms[i] = rotationMatrix * translationMatrix * myGameObject->GetTransform().GetMatrix().GetInverse();

Check out Bloom for more PhysX Fun!


First Person Shooter

Extract the plant and get out...